RYAN ADAMS [ 2016.12.09. 新木場スタジオコースト ]
The Most Romantic Rock Singer in the World!!! ライアン・アダムス素晴らしかった!!! 歌声凄い!! ギターの音もバンドの音も格別だった!! 一年の終わりに年間ベスト級のライブが観れて本当に幸せ。ようやく観れて悲願達成。本当に良かった!
set list
1. Do You Still Love Me? 2. Magnolia Mountain 3. Dirty Rain 4. Haunted House 5. Everybody Knows 6. Kim 7. Peaceful Valley 8. Fix It 9. Anything I Say to You Now 10. Outbound Train 11. Am I Safe 12. Let It Ride 13. I Love You But I Don’t Know What To Say 14. Cold Roses 15. When the Stars Go Blue 16. Wonderwall 17. Shakedown on 9th Street
18. Prisoner 19. Gimme Something Good
1. Do You Still Love Me? 2. Magnolia Mountain 3. Dirty Rain 4. Haunted House 5. Everybody Knows 6. Kim 7. Peaceful Valley 8. Fix It 9. Anything I Say to You Now 10. Outbound Train 11. Am I Safe 12. Let It Ride 13. I Love You But I Don’t Know What To Say 14. Cold Roses 15. When the Stars Go Blue 16. Wonderwall 17. Shakedown on 9th Street
18. Prisoner 19. Gimme Something Good